School House System

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School House System

The house system is an indispensable feature at Cambridge International School Kapurthala. The house system divides the student body into smaller groups or houses, each with its own name, colour, identity, leadership structure, and competitions. Lets overview the operation of house system at CIS,Kpt.

  1. House Structure and Motto: The school is divided into four houses- Cedar, Maple, Oak and Pine each holding a different color, motto, symbol, mission and vision.
  2. House Allocation: Students are allocated to different houses based on various factors. This allocation creates a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the house.
  3. House Mentors and Captains: Each house has designated Teacher mentors and captains, typically students from higher year groups, who are responsible for organizing house events, motivating their fellow house members, and fostering a sense of unity. House leaders often work closely with house heads and member teachers.
  4. House Competitions: The house system promotes healthy competition among the different houses. Inter-house competitions can include various activities such as sports tournaments, academic quizzes, debates, music, drama, art, and community service projects. Points are awarded to the winning house, and these points accumulate throughout the academic year. Cock-House Trophy is claimed by the house fetching maximum marks.
  5. House Assemblies and Meetings: Houses often hold regular assemblies or meetings where house members gather to discuss upcoming events, share achievements, and celebrate individual and collective successes. These gatherings provide a platform for house leaders to communicate important information to their members.
  6. House Events and Celebrations: The house system also gives rise to special events and celebrations that showcase the unique identity of each house. These events can include special assemblies, cultural festivals and literary events.
  7. House Spirit and Rewards: The Cambridge house system encourages students to display house spirit and pride through wearing house colors, participating actively in competitions, and supporting fellow house members. Schools often acknowledge outstanding contributions or achievements with house points, certificates, trophies, or other forms of recognition.